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welcome to chai Ho Jaaye

“ Chai is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self. ”
We Indians have a super power that is to drink tea ‘n number of’ times a day. As we have a saying INDIA RUNS ON TEA.
Tea is something which is deep inside our culture and offering tea is gesture of showing gratitude. Tea among us an absolutely beyond barriers of age and is popular among every adult age group. Young college students and working professionals always...

special Coffee
our Coffee type of you

2/3 coffee
1/3 milk
Totam rem wasdi aperam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo iuas invetore veritatis xcepteur cat cupidatat.
1 cup of coffee
not sugar
Totam rem wasdi aperam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo iuas invetore veritatis xcepteur cat cupidatat.
read more1/3 expresso
2/3 hot water
Totam rem wasdi aperam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo iuas invetore veritatis xcepteur cat cupidatat.
1/2 expresso
2/3 steam milk
Totam rem wasdi aperam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo iuas invetore veritatis xcepteur cat cupidatat.
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